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On Thursday (May 3rd) Sarah was photographed leaving a Staples store in Los Angeles. Via Instagram Stories she shared following story:

So on my way home from a doctor’s appointment I decided to stop and like do like some weird bleeching UV thing? I just drink so much coffee, I was like “Why not?”. And then I noticed someone was following me on my way to Staples, to pick up some office applies as one does, and they were driving like a maniac and I realized it was paparazzi. These people put other’s people’s lives at risk so that they can follow me from to getting my teeth bleeched to pick up office supplies. Are you…? What? It just really upset me and I’m like “Nobody needs a picture of me walking out of Staples. Nobody wants that”. But like people value their lives and their cars. So I did what I thought was the only thing that I could do and that was to slidely give them the middle finger by carrying my phone.

Seriously, this is not fun at all. Well done Sarah. We ain’t mad, we are proud to have such a caring role model.

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